Wishlist -

Our Services

Maintenance of your jewellery is one of the most important factors to retain its quality. In order to preserve this, one or more
services may be required. Below is an overview of the services we provide our clients. For more information, we recommend
visiting us at our store or emailing us for personal advice relating to repair and maintenance.

Cleaning & Repair

Dedicated in helping you maintain your unique jewellery’s original shine and luster, Nadine Jewellery is pleased to assist you with cleaning and polishing your creations in order to ensure their longevity and preservation over time.

Polish & Shining

Preserving the shine of your jewellery is an essential part of its allure. Reviving this after some time is only natural, as metals lose their luster over time and use. Whether your jewellery piece is extensively used or not, dust and humidity in the natural environment can affect a piece’s radiance.

At Nadine Jewellery, you are more than welcome to submit your piece for a complimentary, professional cleaning and polishing service.

Repair Requests

We understand that accidents can happen. That is why we are committed to repairing your Nadine Jewellery creation free of charge within one year of purchase, under your warranty.

Once your piece is handed in, our team conducts a thorough assessment to advise on the required repair, along with a clear report stating so.

Please refer to the Warranty section to read about our Warranty Policy.

Sizing & Adjustments

We take quality very seriously, which is why we work with the most skilled craftsmen to ensure that your Nadine Jewellery creation is a comfortable and perfect fit.

Rouh Ring 3

Engraving Service

We encourage and design our jewellery around customizing or personalizing a piece, which is an important aspect of our brand. Our goal is to always offer an heirloom to cherish and be proud to pass on for generations to come.

If you would like to reach out to discuss how you wish to engrave your Nadine Jewellery creation, we will be happy to assist with possible ideas and calligraphy options.


Resizing & Adjustments

We care that your creation from Nadine Jewellery fits perfectly and is unique to you; which is why an adjustment or a resize request is always handled with utmost care and respect to the original design of the piece.

An initial study is conducted on the resize or adjustment request to ensure that it is technically possible on the finished piece. Once that is confirmed, we issue a request with all required details.

Adjustments may include resizing the length of a necklace, bracelet, or ring. Nevertheless, keep in mind that some creations have specific designs that do not allow such flexibility. Therefore, it is always advised that clients carefully select the correct size at the time of purchase. We take it upon us to also ensure that our sales representatives communicate any limitations to adjustments prior to purchase.

Stone Replacement

Quality is of our highest priority, and we work with the most skilled craftsmen to ensure the best outcome. However, should an accident result where a stone or a diamond is missing, kindly return for a replacement. Our team will assess the piece and replace the missing diamond or stone at no cost within its warranty period, so long as the item does not have clear signs of abuse and lack of proper treatment.

Please refer to the Warranty section to read about our Warranty Policy.

Home Care Tips

For convenience purposes, we understand that sometimes it is better to take matters into your own hands. Follow the below instructions to learn how to care for your jewellery at home using the simplest tools.

Home Cleaning & Polishing

Follow the below simple steps to clean your jewellery safely at the comfort of your home.

  1. Prepare a bath by filling a small bowl with warm water (close to room temperature, not hot). Hot water can damage sensitive stones such as emeralds and opals, so be careful.
  2. Add regular dish soap, a teaspoon of baking soda, and gently mix.
  3. Place the jewellery inside the bowl and let it sit for 15-30 minutes.
  4. Use a very soft brush to individually clean the jewellery in order to avoid scratching.
  5. Carefully run each piece under running water to remove any residue, then place on a soft cloth and dry thoroughly.
  6. Use a jeweler’s polish cloth (or a sunglasses cleaning cloth) for polish and shine.

Usage & Storage

We share our knowledge by offering small tips on how to wear and store your jewellery safely to maintain it’s shine and brilliance for a prolonged duration.

Usage Instructions

While one can be excited with dazzling those around you with your shiny creations, yet using them correctly helps keep their radiance for as long as possible.

  1. Make sure to place your jewellery on a padded surface at a side or a top position to avoid scratching.
  2. Make sure to apply any cosmetic and creams before wearing your jewellery, as their oils and residue will smudge the gold metal and stones creating a greasy layer that makes the jewellery shine less.
  3. Avoid applying perfume or hair spray while wearing your jewellery, as the alcohol can tarnish some metals such as silver, and discolor/damage some stones such as pearls.
NJ Box and pouch

Storing & Traveling

With every purchase, we provide a small Nadine Jewellery pouch for your jewellery piece. This can be found beneath the insert of our famous blue box. Please use it to store your jewellery or pack in times of travel, to avoid scratches, or accidental damaging.


A Nadine Jewellery piece is warranted, at no charge, from all manufacturing defects for a period of one year from the date of purchase. After a period of one year, charges will be applied (if any). Warranty is void if the piece is tampered with, and/or has clear signs of abuse and lack of proper treatment.

Saudi Flag

شهادة المنشأ (AR)

تصنع جميع المنتجات على يد حرفيين وفنيين مهرة باستخدام أحدث التقنيات، حيث يولى أقصى اهتمام لكل قطعة على حدى. فكل جوهرة تخضع لتدابير صارمة لمراقبة الجودة لضمان المتانة والراحة.

توجد على كل قطعة الدمغة الرسمية والعلامات القانونية المؤكدة لدقة نقاوة محتوى المنتج من المعادن الثمينة. يستخدم الماس الأصلي المورد من مصادر خالية من الصراع العالي الجودة من حيث الوضوح واللون والقطع. لا يستخدم سوى قطع ألماس الطبيعي والأحجار الملونة الطبيعية المشتراة من مصادر مشروعة، وفقًا لقرارات الأمم المتحدة.

نضمن لك مجانا ولمدة عام واحد من تاريخ الشراء أن قطعة المجوهرات التي تم شرائها خالية من جميع عيوب التصنيع إلا أنه تطبق الرسوم (إن وجدت) بعد مرور عام واحد. تعد هذه الضمانة ملغية إذا ما وجد أن المنتج تم العبث به أو ظهرت به علامات واضحة على التلاعب وسوء الاستخدام.

UK Flag

Certificate of Origin (EN)

All products are manufactured by highly qualified craftsmen using the latest techniques, and utmost attention is paid to each piece. Every jewel undergoes strict quality control measures to ensure durability and comfort.


The precious metal content is confirmed by the legal and fineness marks. Only conflict free diamonds of standard high quality in terms of clarity, color, and cut are used. Only natural colored diamonds and colored stones are used; purchased from legitimate sources, and in compliance with United Nations Resolutions.


Your piece is warranted, at no charge, from all manufacturing defects for a period of one year from the date of purchase. After a period of one year, charges will be applied (if any). Warranty is void if the piece is tampered with, and/or has clear signs of abuse and lack of proper treatment.

Italy Flag

Certificato di origine (IT)

Tutti i prodotti sono realizzati da artigiani altamente qualificati, con tecniche all’avanguardia. Particolare attenzione è rivolta ad ogni pezzo. Ogni gioiello è soggetto a rigorose misure di controllo qualità per garantirne la durata e il comfort.


La percentuale di metalli preziosi contenuta è confermata da marchi e titoli ufficiali. Vengono utilizzati solo diamanti senza di alto livello qualitativo in termini di purezza, colore e dimensioni. Vengono utilizzati solo diamanti colorati e pietre colorate naturali; acquistato da fonti legittime e in conformità con le risoluzioni delle Nazioni Unite.


Il vostro gioiello è garantito contro qualsiasi difetto di fabbricazione per un anno dalla data di acquisto. Dopo un periodo di un anno, verranno applicate le commissioni (se applicabili). La garanzia è nulla se la parte è danneggiata e / o mostra evidenti segni di abuso e mancanza di un trattamento adeguato.

France Flag

Certificat d'origine (FR)

Tous les produits sont fabriqués par des artisans hautement qualifiés qui utilisent les techniques les plus récentes. Une attention particulière est accordée à chaque pièce. Chaque bijou est soumis à de strictes mesures de contrôle de la qualité pour assurer sa durabilité et son confort.


La proportion de métal précieux  contenue est confirmée par des marques officielles et des titres. Seuls les diamants sans conflit de haute qualité standard en termes de pureté, de couleur et de taille sont utilisés. Seuls les diamants de couleur et les pierres de couleur naturels sont utilisés; achetés auprès de sources légitimes et conformément aux résolutions des Nations Unies.


Votre pièce est garantie gratuitement contre tout défaut de fabrication  pour un an à compter de la date d’achat. Après une période d’un an, des frais seront appliqués (le cas échéant). La garantie est annulée si la pièce est altérée et / ou présente des signes évidents d’abus et d’absence de traitement approprié

Spain Flag

Certificado de origen (ES)

Todos los productos están hechos por artesanos altamente calificados utilizando las últimas técnicas. Se presta especial atención a cada pieza. Cada joya está sujeta a estrictas medidas de control de calidad para garantizar su durabilidad y comodidad.


La proporción de metales preciosos contenidos está confirmada por marcas oficiales y títulos. Solo se utilizan diamantes sin conflicto Cumpliendo con los más altos estándares de calidad, en términos de pureza, color y tamaño. Sólo se utilizan diamantes de colores y piedras de colores naturales; comprado a fuentes legítimas y de conformidad con las resoluciones de las Naciones Unidas.


Su pieza de joyería está garantizada gratuitamente  contra cualquier defecto de fabricación durante un año a partir de la fecha de compra. Después de un período de un año, se aplicarán los cargos (si alguna). La garantía quedará sin efecto si la pieza se alterado y / o muestra signos evidentes de abuso y falta de tratamiento adecuado.

German Flag

Ursprungszeugnis (DE)

Alle Produkte werden von hochqualifizierten Handwerkern nach den neuesten Techniken hergestellt. Besonderes Augenmerk wird auf jedes Stück gegeben. Jedes Schmuckstück unterliegt strengen Qualitätskontrollen, um seine Haltbarkeit und seinen Komfort zu gewährleisten.


Der enthaltene Edelmetallanteil wird durch amtliche Kennzeichen und Titel bestätigt. Es werden nur konfliktfreie Diamanten von hohem Qualitätsstandard in Bezug auf Reinheit, Farbe und Größe verwendet. Es werden nur naturfarbene Diamanten und farbige Steine ​​verwendet; aus legitimen Quellen und in Übereinstimmung mit den Resolutionen der Vereinten Nationen gekauft.

Ihr Schmuckstück  unter ab Kaufdatum ein Jahr lang gegen Herstellungsfehler kostenlos Garantie ist. Nach einem Zeitraum von einem Jahr fallen Gebühren an (falls zutreffend). Die Garantie erlischt, wenn das Schmuckstück  manipuliert wurde und / oder offensichtliche Anzeichen von Missbrauch und unzureichender Behandlung aufweist

China Flag

原产地证明书 (ZH)



从购买之日起一年内,您的产品将免费获得所有制造缺陷的担保.一年之后,将收取费用(如有).如果该件被篡改, 和/或有明显的滥用和缺乏适当对待的标志,则保修无效.


商品の本物証明書 (JP)



天然色のついたダイヤモンドと色石だけが、使われ、 国連決議に従って源産が購入されます。


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